Thursday, March 18, 2010

Preparing your toddler for kindergarden.

Presently, kindergarten worldwide are requesting more and more homeschooling from parents. Kindergartens want entering students to know how to count, know how to write, know how to add, and know the alphabet. Most of the above I have taught to my toddler in just a couple of hours a week.
First, how to count. I started teaching my child how to count when she was two years old. I had a poster of the ten commandments, and would point to the number telling her what the number was each day.Then, I would ask her to tell me what the number was as I pointed to it. When I was sure that she was comfortable with 1-10, I added 10 numbers a week using the same method. Currently, she knows numbers 1-100, and rarely makes mistakes about numbers outside of 6 and 9 which looks the same on a digital clock as I sometimes ask her the time.
Second, how to write. I know that kindergartens do not require entering students to write sentences or long words; however, they do like entering students to know his/her name. I taught my child to spell her name out loud at the age of two years old. Later, when she was comfortable spelling her name out loud, I gave her a pen and a piece of paper to show her what it looked like on paper. Currently, she writes her name, mom, dog, cat, hat, no, yes, and a host of two-letter and three-letter words.
Third, how to add. I am still in the process of teaching her how to add, but I found that computer adding games and holding up fingers help her start think about adding. Today, she can numbers 1+ up to 10. It is a start.
Finally, know the alphabet. I begin teaching my daughter the alphabet at age three years old. We sung the song, but it did not help her recognize the letters. I wrote the letters down, told her the letters, had her tell me what the letters were, and had her write the letters. Now, she can write and recognize 93% of the 26 letters of the alphabet. Like I previous stated, two hours of quality time a week works wonders.

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