Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How to know when a building should be condemned.

There are several ways to know when a building that you are thinking about renting, buying, and/or investing in needs to be condemned:

1. the building has rats or mice;
2. the building has fleas;
3. the plumbing meaning feces and urine backs up in the bathroom sink and shower/tub;
4. the plumbing meaning feces and urine backs up in the kitchen sink; and
5. the kitchen sink goes glub, glub, glub everytime that you flush the toilet.

What do you do next besides do not move in or move out if you are already in the building?

1. Contact the Department of Health. The Department of Health may require that you continue to live in the building for one more month if you are living there, while the property manager or owner correct the problem in the first 10 days. The second two weeks will involve a court hearing to condemn the building and bring a lawsuit against the property management for not complying with Health and Safety standards.
So, give your property management the correct treatment for his/her mistreatment, and save someone else the pain and suffering. Report unsafe conditions.

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