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How to Effectively Communicate Constructive Criticism in the Workplace by Alyson Paige, Demand Media

How to Effectively Communicate Constructive Criticism in the Workplace

by Alyson Paige, Demand Media
Guiding employees toward meeting performance and productivity metrics means you must provide constructive feedback on a routine basis. As you interact with employees on the floor and in private reviews, apply constructive criticism strategies, such as coaching techniques, for the most effective means of keeping your staff on track, suggests website Business Performance. Both verbal and nonverbal communications demonstrate to employees that they can rely on you for direction as much as you rely on them to drive the business forward.
Step 1Recognize employees for what they do well, advises Business Performance. Express appreciation when employees meet or exceed your expectations and standards. Thank teams for their collaborative productivity.
Step 2Discuss areas in which employees need improvement with a supportive attitude and approach. Clarify your desire for your workers to succeed and to grow with the company.
Step 3Express understanding of the mechanics of employees’ tasks. Ask for feedback about what works well and what needs attention, solutions or improvement.
Step 4Use a coaching approach to constructive employee criticism, recommends Business Performance. Provide an objective evaluation of employee performance. Suggest areas that need improvement. Ask employees for input about how they can improve their problem areas.
Step 5Make eye contact to convey impartiality and earnestness. Give employees your complete attention when communicating vital performance information, suggests Dr. Barton Goldsmith in an article published on
Step 6Make your points once; repetition carries the risk of you sounding like you are nagging. Ask an employee if he understands what you say. Express confidence in his ability to meet your needs. Invite employees to bring problems and solutions to your desk as they attempt to implement your instructions.
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  • Accept employee feedback with the same open-mindedness and willing attitude that you want employees to demonstrate to you. End constructive criticism with a compliment. Deliver constructive feedback in private.


  • Avoid statements that start with “I want” or “You need to,” advises Dan Williams on website Peace and Healing.

About the Author

Alyson Paige has a master's degree in canon law and began writing professionally in 1998. Her articles specialize in culture, business and home and garden, among many other topics.